Online Submissions
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Author Guidelines
All papers submitted to the journal must be written in good English. Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their paper checked before submission for grammar and clarity. The work should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The official language of the manuscript to be published in JIPF journal is English.
1. General Author Guidelines
2. Manuscript Template
Manuscript should be prepared according to the following author guidelines in the MS Word article template. [download the template here]
Here is an example of article that can be taken into consideration. [download the sample article here]
3. Reviewing of manuscripts
Every submitted paper is independently reviewed by at least two peer-reviewers. The decision for publication, amendment, or rejection is based upon their reports/recommendation and made by Editor. If two or more reviewers consider a manuscript unsuitable for publication in this journal, a statement explaining the basis for the decision will be sent to the authors within three months of the submission date.
4. Revision of manuscripts
Manuscripts sent back to the authors for revision should be returned to the editor without delay. Revised manuscripts can be sent to editorial office through the Online Submission Interface ( The revised manuscripts returned later than three months will be considered as new submissions.
5. Editorial Office of JIPF Journal
All correspondences should be sent to the following Editorial Office:
Haris Rosdianto (Editor-in-Chief)
Editorial Office of JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika)
STKIP Singkawang
Jalan STKIP - Kelurahan Naram Singkawang, Kalimantan Barat, INDONESIA, 79251
Phone: +62-82324972774
Email: [email protected]
6. Guideline for Online Submission
Author should first register as Author through the following address:
The author should fulfill the form as detail as possible where the star marked form must be entered. After all form textbox was filled, Author clicks on “Register” button to proceed the registration. Therefore, Author is brought to online author submission interface where Author should click on “New Submission”. In the Start a New Submission section, click on “’Click Here’: to go to step one of the five-step submission process”. The following are five steps in online submission process:
- Step 1 - Starting the Submission: Select the appropriate section of the journal. Thus, the author must check-mark on the submission checklists. An author should type or copy-paste Covering Letter in Letter to Editor.
- Step 2 – Uploading the Submission: To upload a manuscript to this journal, click Browse on the Upload submission file item and choose the manuscript document file (.doc/.docx) to be submitted, then click "Upload" button until the file has been uploaded. Do not upload cover letter and other supplementary files here.
- Step 3 – Entering Submission’s Metadata: In this step, detail authors metadata should be entered including marked corresponding author. After that, manuscript title and abstract must be uploaded by copying the text and paste in the textbox including keywords.
- Step 4 – Uploading Supplementary Files: Supplementary file should be uploaded including Signed Copyright Transfer Agreement Form. Therefore, click on Browse button, choose the files, and then click on Upload button.
- Step 5 – Confirming the Submission: Author should final check the uploaded manuscript documents in this step. To submit the manuscript to JIPF journal, click Finish Submission button after the documents are true. The corresponding author or the principal contact will receive an acknowledgment by email and will be able to view the submission’s progress through the editorial process by logging in to the journal web address site.
After this submission, Authors who submit the manuscript will get a confirmation email about the submission. Therefore, Authors are able to track their submission status at any time by logging in to the online submission interface. The submission tracking includes a status of manuscript review and editorial process.
7. Author Fees
JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika) is an open access international journal. Authors should pay some fees for article processing. Readers can read and download any full-text articles for free of charge. For more detail, please click Author Fees.
8. User Rights
All articles published Open Access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download. We are continuously working with our author communities to select the best choice of license options, currently being defined for this journal as follows:
• Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
9. Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
The paper will be published in JIPF journal after the peer-reviewed process and decided as “Accepted” by Editor. The final paper layout will be reproduced by Editorial Office of JIPF journal. The final corrected proof will be published first in “Article In Press” pre-issue.
The article is delivered using the following components:Title: Maximum 16 words for article in English. The font used is Times New Roman, 16.
The writer’s name: The writer’s name is written under the title using font Times New Roman, 11, bold, without titles, and cannot be shortened. Under the name of the writer it is written the institution name, and the email address of the writer.
Abstract: no more than 250 words, written in English in one paragraph containing: The research objectives, research methodology, data analysis, and research findings. It is typed using font Times New Roman, 11, single space, italic.
Keyword: Maximum 4 words, separated with semicolon (;). [font Times New Roman, 11, single space, italic]
Introduction: The introduction is containing the background with a problem solving , the urgency and rationalization of activities, bibliography, solution plan, the objective of the activity, and hypothesis development. [font Times New Roman, 11, Normal]
Methodology: Research methodology explains about: the approach, scope or object, operational definition in each variable/description of research focus, place, population and sample/informant, main source and tool, technique of data collection, and technique of data analysis. [font Times New Roman, 11, Normal]
Findings and Discussion: The findings is presented in full and related with the scope of the research determined before. The findings can be completed with tables, graphs, and/or charts. The tables and pictures are given number and title. The result of data analysis is explained correctly in the article. The discussion part logically explains the findings, associated with the relevant sources. [Times New Roman, 11, Normal]
Conclusion and Suggestion: The conclusion contains the short summary of the findings and discussion. Conclusion is the findings in the research that has the answers for the research questions or the objective of the research. The research findings give suggestions or contributions to the application and/or the study development. [Times New Roman, 11, Normal]
References: containing referenced sources with minimum 80% of books last 10 years issue. The references is written based on Institute of Electrical and Electornics Engineers (IEEE)
Semua makalah yang diserahkan harus ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang baik. Penulis yang bukan native speaker bahasa Inggris dianjurkan untuk memeriksa tata bahasa dan kejelasan makalah mereka sebelum diserahkan. Makalah belum pernah diterbitkan atau sedang dalam pertimbangan untuk publikasi di tempat lain. Bahasa resmi naskah yang akan diterbitkan dalam jurnal JIPF adalah bahasa Inggris.
1. Panduan Penulis Secara Umum
2. Template Naskah
Naskah harus disiapkan sesuai dengan template artikel JIPF. [download template JIPF di sini]
Berikut adalah contoh artikel yang bisa dijadikan pertimbangan. [download contoh artikel di sini]
3. Proses Review Naskah
Setiap makalah yang dikirimkan di-review secara independen oleh setidaknya dua orang peer reviewer. Keputusan untuk publikasi, amandemen, atau penolakan didasarkan pada laporan/rekomendasi dari reviewer dan dibuat oleh Editor. Jika dua atau lebih reviewer menganggap naskah tidak layak untuk dipublikasikan di jurnal ini, pernyataan yang menjelaskan dasar keputusan akan dikirimkan kepada penulis dalam waktu tiga bulan sejak tanggal pengiriman.
4. Proses Perbaikan Naskah
Naskah yang dikirim kembali ke penulis untuk revisi harus dikembalikan ke editor secepatnya. Naskah yang telah diperbaiki dapat dikirim ke pihak editorial melalui Pengajuan Online ( Naskah yang sudah diperbaiki namun dikembalikan lebih dari tiga bulan akan dianggap sebagai kiriman baru.
5. Kantor Editorial JIPF
Semua proses korespondensi harus dikirim ke Kantor Editorial berikut:
Haris Rosdianto (Editor-in-Chief)
Kantor Editorial JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika)
STKIP Singkawang
Jalan STKIP - Kelurahan Naram Singkawang, Kalimantan Barat, INDONESIA, 79251
Telp.: +62-82324972774
Email: [email protected]
6. Panduan Pengiriman Online
Penulis pertama-tama harus mendaftar melalui alamat berikut:
Penulis harus mengisi formulir selengkap mungkin di mana formulir bertanda bintang harus diisi. Setelah semua kotak teks formulir diisi, Penulis mengklik tombol “Register” untuk melanjutkan proses pendaftaran. Oleh karena itu, Penulis diarahkan ke interface online author submission di mana Penulis harus mengklik “New Submission”. Di bagian "Start a New Submission", klik “’Click Here’: to go to step one of the five-step submission process”. Berikut ini adalah lima langkah dalam proses pengiriman online:
- Step 1 - Starting the Submission: Pilih bagian jurnal yang sesuai. Dengan demikian, penulis harus mencentang pada "submission checklists". Penulis disarankan untuk menuliskan Surat Pengantar di "Letter to Editor".
- Step 2 – Uploading the Submission: Untuk mengunggah naskah di jurnal ini, klik "Browse" pada bagian "Upload submission file item" dan pilih file dokumen naskah (.doc/.docx) yang akan dikirim, lalu klik tombol "Upload" sampai file telah diunggah. Jangan mengunggah surat pengantar dan file tambahan lainnya di sini.
- Step 3 – Entering Submission’s Metadata: Pada langkah ini, detail metadata semua penulis harus dilengkapi. Setelah itu, judul naskah, abstrak serta kata kunci harus diisi.
- Step 4 – Uploading Supplementary Files: File pelengkap harus diunggah termasuk Formulir Perjanjian Transfer Hak Cipta yang sudah ditandatangani. Karena itu, klik tombol "Browse", pilih file lalu klik tombol "Upload".
- Step 5 – Confirming the Submission: Penulis harus memeriksa dokumen naskah yang telah diunggah pada langkah ini. Untuk mengirimkan naskah ke jurnal JIPF, klik tombol "Finish Submission" setelah yakin naskah yang diunggah sudah benar. Penulis akan menerima pemberitahuan melalui email dan akan dapat melihat kemajuan pengiriman melalui proses editorial dengan masuk ke situs alamat web jurnal.
Setelah pengiriman, Penulis akan mendapatkan email konfirmasi. Oleh karena itu, Penulis dapat melacak status pengiriman mereka kapan saja secara online. Pelacakan pengiriman meliputi status review naskah dan proses editorial.
7. Biaya Penulis
JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika) adalah jurnal internasional yang open access. Penulis harus membayar biaya pemrosesan artikel. Pembaca dapat membaca dan mengunduh artikel lengkap secara gratis. Untuk detail lebih lanjut, silakan klik Author Fees.
8. Hak Pengguna
Semua artikel yang diterbitkan akan dapat segera dibaca dan diunduh secara gratis oleh semua orang. Kami terus berkomunikasi dengan komunitas penulis kami untuk memilih pilihan lisensi yang terbaik, saat ini lisensi yang diterapkan pada jurnal ini adalah:
• Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
9. Panduan Penyusunan Naskah
Makalah akan dipublikasikan di jurnal JIPF setelah melalui proses peer-reviewed dan diputuskan “Accepted/Diterima” oleh Editor. Layout final dari makalah akan dibuat oleh Tim Editorial JIPF. Naskah yang sudah diperiksa pertama-tama akan dipublikasikan dalam “Article In Press”.
Artikel yang dikirim harus memiliki komponen-komponen berikut:
Judul: Maksimum 16 kata untuk artikel berbahasa Inggris. Jenis font yang digunakan adalah Times New Roman, 16.
Nama penulis: Nama penulis ditulis di bawah judul menggunakan font Times New Roman, 11, bold, tanpa gelar, dan tidak boleh disingkat. Di bawah nama penulis, ditulis nama institusi dan alamat email penulis.
Abstrak: tidak melebihi 250 kata, ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris dalam satu paragraf yang terdiri dari: Tujuan penelitian, metodologi penelitian, analisis data, dan hasil penelitian. Ditulis menggunakan font Times New Roman, 11, single space, italic.
Kata Kunci: Maksimum 4 kata, dipisah menggunakan titik koma (;). [Times New Roman, 11, single space, italic]
Pendahuluan: Pendahuluan berisikan latar belakang penelitian, urgensi dan rasionalisasi penelitian, daftar pustaka, rencana penyelesaian masalah, tujuan penelitian, dan pengembangan hipotesis. [Times New Roman, 11, Normal]
Metodologi: Metodologi penelitian menjelaskan tentang: pendekatan penelitian, objek penelitian, difinisi operasional dari setiap variabel/deskripsi dari fokus penelitian, lokasi penelitian, populasi dan sampel penelitian, instrumen penelitian, teknik pengumpulan data, dan teknik analisis data. [Times New Roman, 11, Normal]
Hasil dan Pembahasan: Hasil dipaparkan secara lengkap. Hasil bisa dilengkapi dengan tabel, gambar, dan/atau grafik. Tabel dan gambar diberi nomor dan judul. Hasil analisis data dijelaskan secara tepat di dalam artikel. Bagian pembahasan menjelaskan hasil yang dikaitkan dengan sumber yang relevan. [Times New Roman, 11, Normal]
Kesimpulan dan Saran: Kesimpulan berisi paparan singkat dari hasil dan pembahasan. Kesimpulan adalah temuan dalam penelitian yang menjawab pertanyaan penelitian atau tujuan penelitian. Temuan dalam penelitian memberikan saran atau kontribusi untuk penerapan dan/atau pengembangan penelitian. [Times New Roman, 11, Normal]
Referensi: terdiri dari minimal 80% sumber referensi dalam 10 tahun terakhir. Referensi ditulis menggunakan stye Institute of Electrical and Electornics Engineers (IEEE).
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
Copyright Notice
Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:
- Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.
- Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Author Fees
This journal charges the following author fees.
Fast-Track Review (Optional): 100.00 (USD)
Review Jalur Cepat (Opsional): 1.000.000,00 (IDR)
If you want the review process, editorial decision, and author notification on this manuscript to be completed within 3 weeks, you can make the payment for Fast-Track Review Process. For further information, please contact Editor in Chief
Jika Anda ingin proses review, keputusan editorial, dan pemberitahuan kepada penulis mengenai naskah selesai dalam waktu 3 minggu, maka Anda dapat melakukan pembayaran untuk proses Fast-Track Review. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan menghubungi Editor in Chief
Article Publication Fee: 100.00 (USD)
Biaya Publikasi Artikel: 1.500.000,00 (IDR)*
If the paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay Article Publication Fee to cover publications costs.
Jika naskah diterima untuk publikasi, Anda akan diminta untuk membayar Biaya Publikasi Artikel.
a. Author(s) from outside Indonesia: USD 0.00
Penulis berasal dari luar Indonesia: USD 0.00
b. Author(s) from Indonesia: IDR 1.500,000.00 *
Penulis berasal dari Indonesia: IDR 1.500.000,00*
c. Author(s) from Indonesia and other country: IDR 500.000.00Penulis berasal dari Indonesia dan negara lain: IDR 500.000,00
Proofreading / Translating into English Fee (Optional): 150.00 (USD)
Proofreading / Biaya Penerjemahan ke Bahasa Inggris (Opsional): 1.000.000,00 (IDR)
1. Professional proofreader / translator (in collaboration with JIPF): For further information, contact Editor in Chief
Proofreader / penerjemah yang bekerjasama dengan JIPF: Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi Editor in Chief
2. Professional proofreader / translator (chosen by Authors): Free of charge
Proofreader / penerjemah professional yang dipilih oleh penulis: Gratis
*) hal teknis biaya bisa komunikasi dengan Editor in Chief
Waiver Policy
Kebijakan Waiver
If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.
Jika Anda tidak memiliki dana untuk membayar biaya tersebut, Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk mendapatkan keringanan biaya. Kami tidak ingin permasalahan biaya mencegah publikasi artikel yang baik.
Institute of Managing and Publishing of Scientific Journals
STKIP Singkawang
Jl. STKIP, Kelurahan Naram, Kecamatan Singkawang Utara, Kota Singkawang, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
JIPF Indexed by:
Copyright (c) JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika)
ISSN 2477-8451 (Online) and ISSN 2477-5959 (Print)