International Journal of Public Devotion is a Scientific Journal of Community Service which is published twice a year in July and December by the Institute for Management and Publication of Scientific Journal of STKIP Singkawang. The articles contain the results of community service that has been done and related to education, science, technology, socio-economic, and entrepreneurship in order to inspire and benefit the community widely.
Vol 7, No 2 (2024): August - December 2024
Table of Contents
Sri Mulyani, Muhammad Saleh Pallu, Mardiana Mardiana, Muhammad Fikruddin, Muhammad Kafrawi Yunus, Fatmawati Fatmawati, Hainun Putri Handayani, Sitti Warda Ningsi
104 - 110
Fery Muhamad Firdaus, Lantip Diat Prasojo, Widia Murni Wijaya, Rahmat Fadhli, Aman Aman, Evy Nur Rochmah, Amrih Setyo Raharjo
111 - 120
Khadijah Lubis, Ratna Sari Dewi, Nur Wisma, Sigit Dwi Sucipto, Fadhlina Rozzaqyah, Bagus Hafarinto, Muhammad Arif Alfaroji
121 - 129
Dona Fitriawan, Ahmad Yani T, Agung Hartoyo, Nurfadilah Siregar, Edy Yusmin, Ade Mirza, Asep Nursangaji, Sugiatno Sugiatno, Yulis Jamiah, Rachmat Saputra
130 - 137
Tomo Djudin, Aunurahaman Aunurahaman, Muhammad Asrori, Martono Martono, Chairil Effendy
138 - 147
Pramita Sylvia Dewi, Muhisom Muhisom, Alif Luthvi Azizah
148 - 156
Eva Fitriani Syarifah, Eka Nurhidayat
157 - 163