Project-Based Indonesian Language Course Innovation to Improve Student's Critical Thinking

Fitriani Lubis, Achmad Yuhdi, Atika Wasilah, Amayra Tannoubi


This research aims to develop and assess the feasibility of project-based Indonesian language textbooks in enhancing critical thinking among Medan State University students. Following the 4-D model of Research & Development, the process involves analysis, textbook design, material development, and dissemination. Needs analysis includes front-end and material design analyses to formulate learning objectives. The design stage entails compiling project-based learning materials, selecting media, and designing the book's specifications. In the development stage, textbooks are produced and validated by experts, with validation results exceeding 87% for both material and media. Dissemination involves distributing the textbooks to students to test practicality, resulting in a practicality test score of 87.74%. Validation and implementation scores indicate "very feasible" status without the need for revision. Consequently, the project-based Indonesian language course innovation is deemed "valid" and eligible for use as the primary teaching material at Medan State University, promising to enhance students' critical thinking skills.


Critical Thinking, Indonesian MKDU, Innovation, Indonesian MKDU, Project Based Learning, Textbooks

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