Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Pair Share untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa SMP
Kata Kunci:
Think Pair Share; Hasil Belajar; IPA
Implementation of the Cooperative Learning Model of the Think Pair Share Type to Improve Science Learning Outcomes for Junior High School Students
This study aims to determine the increase in students' science learning outcomes through the implementation of the Think Pair Share (TPS) cooperative learning model. This type of research was Classroom Action Research (CAR). Students who became the subject of this study amounted to 31 people. Data collection techniques used observation and test. The data were then analyzed quantitatively. The results showed that students' science learning outcomes in the pre-cycle stage had an average of 31.5 with the highest score of 75 and the lowest score of 20. After being given the action in cycle I, it increased with an average of 36.5, the highest score of 80, and the the lowest score of 35. In cycle II, it increased again with an average of 41.25, the highest score of 84, and the lowest score of 45. This showed that the TPS type cooperative learning model can improve science learning outcomes for class VIII A students of SMP Negeri 1 Entikong.
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