Spatial Planning Regulation Policy of Hotel Building in Residential Area
Spatial planning policy in the form of legal norm must face many interests. Regional Rules Number 26 Year 2011 about Regional Spatial Plan and Regional Regulation Number 12 Year 2009 about Building Structure become the problem of that norm. Hotel building in residential area in Kuningan Regency become focus of the study with normative juridical approach. Spatial policy through norms built, has put goals of development suitable with regulation goals in Kuningan Regency. In other perspective, the Licensing Office and Public Work and Spatial Planning Office of Kuningan Regency play their function and role suitable with that Regional Regulation. This fact indicates the investor has adjusted with the existing license, including hotel building. The crucial problem happens to procedural aspect that is when the investor only prioritize Building Permit, by ignoring environment review dimension related to spatial planning, has the effect of environmental aspect ignorance by prioritize licensing procedure. This become a problem in spatial planning related to hotel building, especially in residential area.
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Rules of Law:
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Other Source :
Hotel dan Penginapan,>potensidaerah>wisatadanbudaya, diakses 18 Mei 2017.
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