Relationship Of Regional Representative Council With State Institutions In The System Of Constitutional In Indonesia

Ardiana Hidayah Hidayah, Evi Purnama Wati


In the new era of institutional Indonesian governmental movement, the Regional Representative Council is a national level agency in Indonesia that was introduced through the amendment of the 1945 Constitution. The representation of members of the Regional Representative Council represents every province in Indonesia. The position of the Regional Representative Council in the Representative System in Indonesia, especially as a State institution has a weak function, only as a complement to the legislative body. The Regional Representative Council only as a "consultative and consideration" institution only, has no authority to decide. The relationship of the Regional Representatives Council with other State bodies such as the People's Representative Assembly, the People's Legislative Assembly, the Constitutional Court, the Regional Government and the Regional People's Legislative Assembly exist, but only on certain matters and only as a "consideration".

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