Protection to Mandatory Licensee in State and Society Matters under the New Patent Law
The development of patents has now come to a massive stage. These developments make the development of the economy to grow because it involves the use of patents and other economic benefits. Therefore, we need a form of protection, especially the patent licensee holder. Any act proven to match violations of intellectual property rules should be punished in accordance with the provisions in the field of intellectual property.This paper uses qualitative deskriftive methods that propose common phenomena regarding the new rules of patent. This method is enriched by interview approach. The data used is the primary data in the form of sharper-invitation around intellectual property and secondary data in the form of books about intellectual property. Writing purpose : The purpose of this paper is to analyze any issues in the case of protection of patent holders whose rights would be subtracted by the new Patent law. The new Patent Law should provide a solution for patent holders not to be harmed.The finding of this study is that patent licensee holders are not yet protected and should be protected through improvement of the 93rd incident with a deadline of 3 months
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